Young 2014 – Harbury Church of England Primary School

Harbury Church of England Primary School.

Harbury C of E Primary School Mosaic

Harbury C of E Primary

School Mosaic

We provided funds for an exciting new display in a key communal area of the school. This is a large mosaic, on which every child in the school worked, showing the emblems of the four Houses to which pupils belong and the core values that the school aspires to instil. The mosaic was designed by the art Coordinator, Claire Payne, and uses brightly coloured tesserae in different finishes.

The costs of the materials were very high and the school was able to use the grant of money to achieve a tremendous amount, thanks to the extra work that Claire was willing to do. It was difficult to predict exactly how many of each type of tile would be selected by each child and work had to be suspended briefly when supplies were exhausted until the new delivery arrived. The finished work should brighten and inspire pupils for many years.